
Il gomitolo

La collina

La sedia

I bruchi

Il Principe

Lo scultore

I Boscaioli

La piccola Teresa

Il Violino

S. Michele Garicotis

Le orme



    The writing


E' the concept in order to express our job in the within of the virtual truth, feeling to us more than Voluntary Siblings of the Misericordie.

Good week.....
edited by Paolo Diani

12th  week

the tracks
A night a man made a dream. He dreammed that he was taking a walk along the beach in company of the Getlteman. In the sky scenes of its life appeared and saw that for every scene they were impresse on the sand two tracks, its and that one of the Getlteman. When scene appeared l?ultima, it turned, and it saw ollowing itself of the tracks and noticed that in several circumstances of its life it was impressa on the sand only un?orma. Rendered account then that those were the more difficult moments of its existence. That the surprise very many and therefore churches to the Getlteman: you said me that if had followed you you would have been always to my flank, but you have noticed that just during the more difficult moments you have abandoned to me, in fact on the sand you are remained impressa only un?orma.? The Getlteman answered to it: beloved boy, I have always loved you and for null to the world I would have only left you. When you have seen a single track on the sand that one was mine while I took to you in arm.


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